An e-publication by the World Agroforestry Centre

ANNUAL REPORT 1988Printprint Preview

What is ICRAF?

The International Council for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) is an autonomous, non-profit organization, established in 1977 to initiate and support research leading to more sustainable and productive land use in developing countries through the integration of trees in land-use systems. With headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, since 1978, ICRAF is supported by voluntary contributions from bilateral, multilateral and private donors and is governed by an international board of trustees with equal representation from developed and developing countries.

ICRAF's research goals are supported by a threefold strategy: 1) to develop the scientific discipline of agroforestry; 2) to cooperate with national institutions to build their capability to design and implement agroforestry research programmes and to work alongside these institutions to generate relevant and promising technologies; 3) to promote the use of appropriate agroforestry systems and technologies as tools for national development.

The programme of work is carried out by four divisions: the Research Development Division (RDD), the Collaborative Programmes Division (COLLPRO), the Information and Communications Division (INFOCOMM) and the Finance and Administration Division (FINAD).

RDD contributes to the development of agroforestry research chiefly through the collection and collation of information and the development of research methodologies. The division provides advice and support for other ICRAF activities and engages in field demonstrations and research projects at ICRAF's field station in Machakos, Kenya, and collaboratively at other sites.

COLLPRO's objective is to collaborate with and help national institutions in technology-generating research projects and training programmes in order to disseminate and validate ICRAF's concepts, methods and technologies. In Africa, the division works through the Agroforestry Research Networks for Africa (AFRENA). Other collaborative activities are also in progress or being planned in Southeast Asia, India and Latin America.

INFOCOMM's goal is to promote the adoption of appropriate agroforestry systems and practices through the dissemination of information to a wide variety of target audiences, including national institutions, researchers, donors, policy-makers, extension groups, non-governmental organizations, development agencies, educators and the general public. This work is carried out through an Information and Documentation Unit and a Communications Unit.

Since its establishment, ICRAF has made many major contributions: building a strong, multidisciplinary organization; laying a solid scientific foundation for the discipline of agroforestry; conducting detailed studies of the tree-crop interface and elucidating problems encountered in combining woody and non-woody plants; evaluating agroforestry land-use systems in use around the world and compiling information on them in extensive databases; publishing numerous books, papers, journal articles and bibliographies; and holding a large number of workshops, conferences, seminars, training courses and field trips. In addition, ICRAF has provided research fellowships and opportunities for advanced, specialized study and has acted in a consultant capacity to numerous donor-supported research and development projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

